Fried Spaghettini with Eggs

Method as per Antoinette Bowman


  • ¼ packet of Spaghettini Pasta (thinner spaghetti – option: or already cooked leftover pasta)
  • 3 Eggs
  • 2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp Pepper
  • 1 or 2 tbsp. Parmesan cheese (optional)
  • 1 tsp Olive oil


  1. Boil water in a large saucepan (½ the size of the pot depth), then cook the Pasta as directed on the package, adding the Olive Oil before the pasta, to keep paste from sticking.
    When Pasta is cooked ‘al-dente’; remove from stove, drain and rinse quickly with water to remove any starch. Drain again.
  2. Drop it back in the pot; add the Salt, Pepper, Cheese, and the 3 Eggs. Mix it all together well, making sure the pasta is absorbing the ingredients.
  3. On the Stove prepare a medium (or small) frying pan with Veg. oil and heat for a second or two. Take the Pasta mixture and drop half of it slowly in the pan, spread it and with a spatula flatten it.
    ** if you wish to make small pasta-pans, then use portions of the mixture enough for each person**  Amount of Pasta mixture should be just enough to cover Pan.
  4. With the pasta frying in the pan and keeping it flat (as an omelet) try to lift the edges to see if it fried lightly. It should take about 5 minutes to fry nicely.
    Once slightly brown, take the spatula and slide it slowly from the center and with a quick but yet slow movements turn it over to fry the other side, do the same with the spatula flatten the top to get a round formation and fry for another 5 minutes.
  5. Pasta is now ready to eat. Slide the Pasta in a large platter and cut into pie shape slices, or as you wish.
  6. Enjoy this meal for a quick lunch, on its own or at dinner with side salad dish, Garlic bread, and maybe a few seared chicken breast strips.
  7. NOTES:
  8. When I have leftover pasta (with no sauces) from a previous dinner I put it back in the fridge and I will prepare this for a lunch or another dinner idea 2 or 3 days later.
  9. ** when using already cooked pasta, leave out in room temperature for a few minutes, then just heat it in a bowl with boiled kettle water, drain, and continue with the same recipe as above. **